Monday, December 01, 2008

John's Survey

Does anyone know how to hide this behind a link? I used to love doing that in livejournal... that way surveys take up one line and don't get in the way of the actual blog. Anyway, no more surveys, I promise.

1. What's your name?
Monica, Little One, ShortMonica, mysterialite....

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?

3. Last thing you ate?
Mini bacon cheeseburgers. Yum!!

4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
Antarctica. I don't hold grudges against restaurants. Just continents.

5. I say Shotgun, you say:
Race you!

6. Last person you hugged?
Dad after lunch.

7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
Yes. Too bad for them! Hahahaha....

8. Would you date anyone you met online?
Only if they were within driving distance.

9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
My height. It sets me apart.

10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
I went out for lunch today...but dinner? Um... I guess the '99 in Waltham, MA.

11. Who is your best friend?
Zac, Colleen, Kailen.

12. What time of the day is it?

13. Who/What made you angry today?
I haven't been angry yet today.

14. Baseball or Football?
If I had to choose, I suppose football is the less boring of two evils.

15. Ever gone skinny dipping?
Yes! Summer of '06 in Lake Michigan under a mostly-full moon... we were caught by the police, who gave me (the only minor) a breathalyzer which obviously didn't work because it read 0.00 when I blew into it. *laughs* and Lora accidentally threw her panties into the woods instead of the liquor. What a great night.

16. Favorite type of Food?

17. Favorite holiday:
I'm not really big on holidays. I like snow and family, which means Christmas, and I like bonfires and friends, which means Independence Day, and I like parties and costumes, which means Halloween.

18. Do you download music:
Not illegally.

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?

20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
I am not a fan of any tattoos. I've never met an old person who didn't regret getting one.

21. Would you date the person who posted this?
Uh, considering the fact that he's happily married to a mythological creature... No!

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Yes. ^_^

23. Do you love anyone?
I love lots of people.

24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
I think so. Not very white waters, but like... medium white waters.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
Yes. It's not really all that uncommon, actually. Unfortunately.

28. How many pets do you have?
One, but I live with more.

29. Have you met a real redneck?
You have obviously never met my relatives.

30. How is the weather right now?
Snow!!! *happy dance*

31. What are you listening to right now?
The computer behind me keeps fanning itself periodically.

32. What is your current favorite song?
"Effington", Ben Folds

33. What was the last movie you watched?
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

34. Do you wear contacts?

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
My dad took me to Applebee's for lunch. It was nice.

36. What are you afraid of?

37. How many piercings have you had?
Just my ears. I had my cartilage in my left ear pierced in high school, but it's scarred over since then.

38. What piercings do you want?
I'm pretty content with the ones I have.

39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
I can do pretty much anything I set my mind to.

40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Triple Grande Non-Fat White Mocha with Whip!

41. What Magazines are you reading?
American Theatre, Live Design, Projection Lights & Staging News, Lighting & Sound, Newsweek, (and guilty pleasure.)

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
No. I'm pretty sure it would knock me over.

43. Are you missing someone?
I can always think of someone to miss.

44. Favorite TV show?
House, Project Runway

45. Do you have an obession with WoW?

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
Yes... a LONG time ago.

47. What celeb do you look like?
I really don't.

48. Who would you like to see right now?
Zac, Rachel, Palmer...

49. Favorite movie of all time?
American Beauty, As Good As It Gets... Monty Python and the Holy Grail... Star Wars... *shrug*

50. Do you find yourself loved?

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
See question 15.

52. Favorite smell?

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
I like butter, but not at the expense of my fingers becoming greasy. So, salt?

54. What's something that really bugs you?
Whistling. And stupidity.

55. Do you like Michael Jackson?

56. Taco Bell or Burger King?
Taco Bell! There are no Taco Bells in Massachusetts, and it makes me sad.

57. What's your favorite perfume?
Uh... I hate to admit it, but I really like Fantasy, by Britney Spears.

58. Favorite baseball team?

59. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?

60. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
82 hours. Yes, I began hallucinating.

61. Last time you went bowling?
Who knows. I suck at rolling a ball in a straight line.

62. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
Under my desk after 82 hours of drafting and model building? I've also slept in furniture storage, on a grid 50 ft in the air, and, well, most places you find in a theatre.

63. Who was your last phone call?
I just tried calling my mom, but she didn't pick up.

64. Last time you were at work?
And getting paid? Last April.

65. What's the closest orange object to you?

1 comment:

Lindsay Rae Slater said...

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